
working on the website

Working on our clients website by putting in some audio and video. we found some pics we liked redwolflogo2

Like the one posted above to give our client a well placed help. If you need help with any video our audio sites give me a facebook message or message me from here thanks


photo banner time

As course through this course. We are methodically moving through making our own website. This week we created a banner with our pictures

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this is just one of the pictures attached to my banner. We will be very close to finishing our website.

What I want to do with my career choice!

First I’d like to work in or have my own radio station. Back when I lived in Vilonia, Arkansas as I would go to school I would turn on the radio to 100.3 The Edge. The Edge was a local rock station based in Little Rock. I loved that station and they are the reason I got into radio in the first place.

The Second thing I’d want to do is work at a production company. Videoing and Editing are my second loves along with Audio, but I’d love to do something like this

His edits are very artistic the way he makes things come alive on video is remarkable.

Father Internet

We learned in our class today about Tim Berners-lee. who is the father of the internet. a link will be posted

We also learned how just 4 huge computer were the first to use internet.


more to come
